• Raising the profile and impact of endovascular vascular research
• Developing the research leaders of the future
• Increasing investment in research activities and programmes of study through sustainable research funding streams.

2025 Pump-priming award - Application process now open


Application forms

The deadline for applications is Friday 14th February.

Interviews will be held on-line on Thursday 13th March from 5pm.

The purpose of the pump priming award is to support a research project within the field of endovascular therapy. We welcome applications in a broad range of research, from basic science through to clinical research, so long as it is within the field of endovascular therapy, and aligns with the core principles and goals of BSET. We particularly welcome applications which are likely to produce data that could support applications towards more substantial funding.  Applicants will need to be members of BSET.

This award can be used for a stand-alone project. It can also be used to compliment an existing body of research which is either planned, or already underway. Should this be the case, the applicant should make it clear what this funding is for, and how the proposed research project will be sufficiently separate from ongoing research.

Grant amount

The award will be for up to £10,000. 

Congratulations to the recipients of the new BSET Pump Priming Award - Mohamed Abdelhalim and James Budge


Mohamed’s research is on the effects of implanting aortic stent grafts on aortic stiffness and cardiac function at KCL.


James’ research will focus on developing and evaluating the face, content and construct validity of the St George’s Vascular Institute (SGVI) EndoSim V2.


The Pump Priming award is to support a research project within the field of endovascular therapy. The award can be used for a stand-alone project, or to compliment an existing body of research which is either planned, or already underway. The award will be for up to £5,000.

The grant funding be used to purchase/fund equipment, device(s), consumables, database design and hosting (e.g. REDCap), technical assistance, supporting patient and public involvement (PPI) work/input, or other similar items. Applicants can be any healthcare professional (doctors, nurses, allied healthcare professionals) within the UK working in the NHS, or UK students undertaking healthcare professional degrees.

BSET has supported new research evaluating long-term outcomes (>10 years) for FEVAR from GLOBALSTAR registry data (Global Collaborators on Advanced Stent-Graft Techniques for Aneurysm Repair).

Update: September 2024

The BSET-CLEVAR registry is a prospective, multi-centre, observational cohort study of patients treated with the GORE EXCLUDER Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis with ACTIVE CONTROL System (EXCC Device)

The primary objective of the registry is to collect real-world clinical data and device-specific outcomes of EXCC Device in routine clinical treatment of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

Further information

Individuals wishing to circulate questionnaires or surveys to the BSET membership are requested to send the following to the BSET office:

  • A one page summary of the research project and its use
  • The lead name of the institution and contributors to the research
  • Any conflicts of interest/external or industry funding

Those who request that their questionnaires/surveys be circulated to the membership are encouraged to submit the results for consideration as an abstract/poster at the BSET Annual Meeting.