Endovascular Training Fellowship

One six month Endovascular Training post is now available for a vascular or interventional radiology trainee providing an opportunity to acquire new or more complex endovascular skills to be spent in a vascular unit within the UK.  Support for the Fellowship will take the form of a salary for a 6 month period. The Fellowships seek to provide support for dedicated training in endovascular therapy. The successful applicant will be given a choice of units in which to undertake their Fellowship.  Details of the BSET approved training centres can be found here

Information for applicants

Travel Fellowship

The BSET Travel Fellowship, up to the value of £7,500, is available to Specialist Registrars towards the end of higher surgical training or Consultants up to two years post CCT at the closing date for this application. The Fellowship is intended to enable the successful candidate to fund a visit to a unit with recognised expertise of interest to broaden their education and training in endovascular therapy.   The Fellowship Committee will pay particular attention to originality, scope and feasibility of the proposed itinerary.  Priority will be given to those with a dedicated plan rather than “additional” funding for a pre-arranged secondment.

Information for applicants


To become a BSET recognised Training Centre

Apply here


The following training centres have been approved by BSET to host an Endovascular Fellow:


Training Centres

We provide vascular services to a population of apprx 600,000. NHS Grampian core fund our EVAR/FEVAR/BEVAR service. The AAA national screening programme commenced in October 2012. The vascular unit has 6 full time consultant staff.

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The Cambridge Vascular Unit is one of the busiest Vascular Surgery Units in the United Kingdom, and is based at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, just south of Cambridge. The unit comprises of 10 Vascular Surgeons and 7 Interventional Radiologists with extremely close collaboration

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Vascular surgery and interventional radiology (IR) work as a team. We have joint meetings and have a track record of training both vascular and IR trainees. We perform EVAR together, have joint MDTs and clinical governance. There is a combined clinical research program and away days for team building.

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As a group we are committed to joint radiological and surgical training for vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists. We already work as a team and we have two multidisciplinary meetings (MDM) per week and a specialist MDM’s for complex endografting. The MDM meetings are attended by surgeons and radiologists and cases are discussed in an open forum and management plans are agreed.

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The Surrey Vascular Group Network is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of consultant vascular surgeons and consultant vascular interventional radiologists providing 24/7 cover 365 days a year in elective and emergency patients for a busy catchment population of 1.2 million across West Surrey and North Hampshire.

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For 20 years there has been close collaboration between surgeons and radiologist at Hull & East Yorks NHS trusts with combined operating (EVAR) and interventional sessions; combined out patient clinics with joint patient care; surgical and radiology trainees have the opportunity for operative, interventional, colour duplex, and cross sectional imaging.

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Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust incorporates three main sites – the Hammersmith, Charing Cross and St Mary’s hospitals. The inpatient vascular unit is based on the St Mary’s site alongside the busy London trauma unit.

Imperial Vascular unit attracts tertiary referrals for complex aortic disease from all over the UK – greater than 60% of the aortic cases are above the renal arteries.

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The Vascular Surgery Unit at Glenfield Hospital is one of the best known in the United Kingdom. It has been at the forefront of the development of endovascular therapy over the last three decades, leading and taking part in several randomised trials which have shaped endovascular practice, and pioneering peripheral revascularisation techniques such as subintimal angioplasty, intravascular lithotripsy, atherectomy, and endovascular reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation for severe occlusive aorto-iliac disease (CERAB). The Unit is comprised of ten Consultant Vascular Surgeons and four Consultant Vascular Radiologists.

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Manchester Royal Infirmary performs a large number of endovascular aneurysm repairs (EVAR). The trainee will achieve the skill and competency to perform Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) for straight forward infra-renal and thoracic aneurysms independently (including all the required wire/catheter-skills to achieve this).

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The Unit in Liverpool has a high profile in the field of endovascular intervention. Our EVAR programme began in 1996 and has achieved national and international recognition, particularly with our fenestrated and complex branched stent graft programme which began in 2004 and now extends to more than 60 cases. The high throughput of EVAR work in particular has meant that all surgical trainees and interventional fellows have had the opportunity to be exposed to a large number of cases as part of their attachment.

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The St George’s Vascular Institute has an international reputation for both the clinical treatment of aortic aneurysms and basic / translational research into the aneurysmal process. The Institute comprises 10 surgical consultants and associated staff. There is a collaboration with the interventional radiology department. We do daily 3-session endovascular procedures in a dedicated theatre hybrid suite. The St George’s Vascular Institute has one of the largest aortic and lower limb endovascular practices in the UK and has an international clinical reputation in the treatment of aortic disease.

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