Council Member, Education and Fellowship Committee

Kaji Sritharan is a Consultant Vascular Surgeon in the Northwest. She qualified in 2001, and undertook her higher surgical training in London, with endovascular fellowships in Brisbane, Australia and post-CCT fellowships in Vascular centres in Malmo, Sweden and Bad-Krozingen, Germany; for which she was awarded the prestigious ASGBI Moynihan Travelling Fellowship. She has a sub-specialty interest in PAD and performed the first LimFlow procedure in the UK.
She is also passionate about teaching and education and has developed more than 100 courses/meetings and is Emeritus Associate Dean of the RSM. In addition, she is the Vascular Surgical TPD for HEENW and sits on the Vascular SAC, Education Committee of the VSGBI and is Honorary Secretary of the RSM Venous Forum.